We know we keep on harping on about skills shortages across the UK but that’s because it’s starting to impact on more and more sectors. We are seeing a definite shift in increased salaries as a consequence. In saying this, there is still a slight reluctance with employers to move quicker in terms of increases in salaries and acceptance of lower fluidity in the market place, although we envisage this will dissipate once their own recruiting campaigns start yielding less of the desired candidates.
According to the Recruitment and Employment Confederation a shortage of skilled workers and low unemployment is starting to drive up earnings with those moving jobs most likely to benefit. IT and computing staff are in the highest demand, followed by engineers and then accounting and financial staff. Ian Stewart, chief economist at Deloitte said; “Brexit and the fall in the pound made the UK less attractive for EU workers – inflows have slowed, adding to the tightening of the labour market.”
No doubt as a Nation and as employers, we’re going to have to start getting creative as the grip tightens.