With the latest developments surrounding the Coronavirus / COVID-19 outbreak we wish to reassure our customers and contacts that F1rst Commercial Recruitment and First Executive Recruitment services remain fully operational and open for business. In order to help with government containment/delay guidelines, we are implementing the following protocols;

  • As per Government Guidance all our employees will be working remotely from home
  • As part of our business continuity plan, all employees have laptops and can readily operate remotely
  • We have linked our mobiles to the main office number so that calls can be taken as normal
  • We have also set up a central answering service for those calls we cannot get to so that messages can be taken and calls returned
  • We can be contacted via office phone, mobile or email in the normal way

Advice when Interviewing:

We ask that sensible precautions are taken when interviewing candidates and that the following is
adhered to;

  • Handshaking is avoided
  • Reasonable distance maintained during the interview
  • We will ask candidates where possible, to take/use hand sanitiser and would ask our
    clients to do the same
  • All candidates and clients to be asked if they have any symptoms relating to the virus a
    day prior to interview and on the day of their interview
  • Interviews will be cancelled/rescheduled if there is any concern about contamination

We will be conducting Skype and Zoom interviews in the first instance and where possible, it might be a good idea for clients to do the same. We can help with set up where companies and individuals have not used these means before.

We all have a responsibility to protect each other in these trying times and whilst some individuals might be fit/healthy, we have to consider those around us that are not and it’s these that we are ultimately protecting by protecting ourselves.

We are keeping matters under close review and following all appropriate UK Government guidance to ensure the wellbeing of our employees, their families, our customers and contacts. We are here to help support you and your business and will do whatever we can to maintain normal day to day business services. Commerce does need to continue come what may, and our intention is to help this whilst maintaining vigilance for individual safety.

If you have any questions, queries or concerns, please feel free to contact us and be assured of our utmost interest in supporting you through this landscape.